The layout is coming together, we'll probably go with a hex style, where each row is offset half a pitch from the other. Some clever arrangement is in order to avoid the rocks that were too big for a medium-sized excavator to move.
Eventually we'll pack in a dozen or so standards and half a dozen semi-dwarfs, with a bunch of temporary dwarf fillers inter-planted for the short term.
Here's our current list:
Standards - Black Oxford, Canadian Strawberry, Baldwin, Northern Spy, Roxbury Russet, Starkey, Winter Fameuse
Semi-dwarf: Westfield Seek-No-Further
Dwarf fillers: Belle de Boskoop, Sweet Sixteen, Ashmead's Kernel, Gravenstein, Hubbardston Nonesuch, Spy, Esopus Spitzenburg, Roxbury, Golden Russet
Standards are all on Antonovka, the Westfield is on M7 (not sure that'll be a keeper), the fillers are B9, G16 and a couple G30.
Getting very excited to have everything in the orchard proper instead of scattered about our "yard"...